We could name a million reasons why you should stay away from a tanning bed. We could also  name a million more reasons why you should be receiving a spray tan in its place. 

We are all for the fact that a beautiful, bronzed glow can leave you feeling more confident and radiant than you felt walking into your bronzing session, but how you achieve that feeling is what really matters.

The serious downfall of hitting the tanning bed includes exposing your skin to harmful and dangerous UV rays, which can cause premature aging, wrinkles, sunspots, and of course, skin cancer.

So how can you achieve a bronzed complexion without putting your health at risk? The answer is a no-brainer and will soon become your new obsession: spray & airbrush tans!

The benefits to sunless tanning are endless. Not only do you get that confidence you crave after just one session, but you also get the option to have your color solution customized and perfectly matched to your skin tone or the shade you are wanting to achieve. Spray tanning also gives you an exceptionally more even application, as your spray tan artist is able to cater to every inch of the body - even those areas that you have found difficult to tan or even out while tanning in the past.

If you follow your pre and post care instructions for your spray tan, it can last you up to 12 days! Airbrush tanning also has been found to help decrease the appearance of cellulite and other imperfections on the skin. 

Moda Beauty Bar recently added a new spray tan solution to its line-up : NUDA Canada. The brand prides itself on being vegan & cruelty-free. Along with this huge perk, NUDA is also water-based, meaning it is less likely to cause breakouts, less damaging to lash extensions, and won't rub off on clothing / bed sheets as much compared to competitors.


LATTE: 6% DHA, This solution requires 8-12 hours of processing time. It is best for people with fair to very fair skin tones, or simply to give off a subtly glowy complexion. 

MOKA: 9% DHA, 8-12 hour processing time. This solution is best for pale-medium skin tones and those that have a “Caramel” complexion. 

ESPRESSO: 12% DHA, 8-12 hour processing time. Best for medium-dark complexions and “cocoa” complexions.

HOT CHOCOLATE: 14% DHA, 8-12 hour processing time. Ideal for easily-tanned, dark, or already tanned skin tones.


Our rapid solutions are best for clients who are on the go and can be customized according to shower time. Wait 1-2 hours for a light tan and 4-5 hours for a darker tan.

CAPPUCCINO: This solution is great for all skin types and the color can be customized by shower time.

MILKSHAKE: This solution is ideal for clients that have yellow/ olive skin types because it has neutralizing elements that will help to balance out these undertones. 

CoCo: The CoCo solution is best for clients who are on the go and are wanting a deep, dark tan. 

Ready for your glow up? Be sure to prepare your skin correctly to achieve the best results. 


  • Exfoliate 1-2 times before your spray session, NOT the day of, but at least 24 hours prior 

  • Be sure to complete any shaving or waxing 24 hours prior to you session 

  • If you must shower the day of your appointment, make sure you are doing so at least three hours prior to your appointment

  • Do NOT apply any moisturizer, deodorant, perfume, lotion, or makeup directly before your appointment 

  • Wear dark colored, loose clothing and try to avoid socks and sneakers


  • Caring for your new glow is just as important as prepping for it! Be sure to avoid Loofahs, exfoliation, acne products, waxing, shaving, scrubs, for at least 24 hours after your spray tan application. 

  • Pat to dry with your towel following your rinse/ shower. 

  • Stay Moisturized! 

At Moda, we strongly believe and stand by the fact that achieving your skin goals first must start with exceptional skincare, which is why our airbrush solutions are meant to nourish and improve your skin while also making you “Bronzed & Boujee”! All NUDA solutions are loaded with skin-perfecting ingredients, anti-aging botanicals, and other repairing ingredients to help keep your skincare game on track. 

Ready to book your glow up?

Visithttps://go.booker.com/brand/modabeautybarbrand/locationsto save your spot. 
